Technology Missionaries


Picture of Zonewide Exchange
This is a huge blessing the Lord has put in our path. Elder Flake and I have been assigned as Technology Missionaries. Missionary work will basically be the same, but now we have this amazing tool of the Smartphone. Elder Flake and I are already brainstorming on ideas that we need to bring to use technology to its greatest capacity for these months to come.
Heavenly Father blessed us to go on a few exchanges this week. first, we had a zonewide exchange, and I went with Elder Simmons and Elder Cirks into Cypress Creek. Both of those missionaries are doing great. Elder Simmons is really focused on his missionary purpose and on being sanctified, Elder Cirks is learning how to teach to needs, and he did a great job as well.
I had to read more on Charity and Love this week out of Preach My Gospel. It seems like people are being more argumentative, and I need to better respond in the Savior’s way. I decided as well that I need to read about the Savior’s earthly ministry as well as found in the 4 Gospels and in 3 Nephi 11-27. That will be my main course of study for the next little bit, I expect to be more of a servant for His use after. I really love what Moroni said about charity in Moroni 7: 45 “And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.”
I really needed the part on “not easily provoked” because some comments and attitudes and gestures push my buttons.
We saw an awesome miracle this week through our Bishop, Obispo Calevoso. He knows this family that he’s been working with for a while, and as he has been talking with them, and he finally decided to let the missionaries teach them. Now they have been so prepared by our bishop, that they will be baptized onĀ February 10th. Woohoo!
Elder Webster